Call for Abstracts: Einreichfrist geschlossen

ACO-ASSO Jahrestagung 2017

Einreichung in Englisch oder Deutsch

Instructions for Authors/Hinweise für Autoren
Please follow the instructions for abstracts submission (mandatory):

  1. Presentation title: provide a complete title (limit 120 characters) in English or in German.
  2. Full name and address of all authors: please underline the presenting author
  3. University/institute/department
  4. E-mail address of the presenting author
  5. Address of the presenting author (city, zip code, country, phone, fax)
  6. Text abstracts: limited to 250 words! Do not use abbreviations, tables, foot notes or references.
    The following sections are desired:
    • background
    • Patients/methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  7. Five Keywords
  8. Number of Words

Please note that all accepted abstracts are presented as a poster!

Bitte reichen Sie Ihr Abstract in diesem Format ein: Beispiel

Please note that all submissions have to be sent as a word.doc
by email to
